Thursday, July 3, 2008

It's done!

....well, mostly.
The parts aren't ready to print yet, but other than that, the show is done! You can listen to it on the right.

Notes on the latest additions:
- the beginning of You'll Be In My Heart is a mello solo.
- Trashin' the Camp includes solos for trumpet, mello, and trombone, both at the beginning and at the end.

It's a long show -- just over 8 1/2 minutes worth of music. (Our Wicked show was also 8 1/2 minutes.) Transitions will have to be extremely efficient -- but we can do it!

I'll send an email to the email list when parts are ready. In the meantime, enjoy the mp3's!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


As you can see to the right, the opener is done!

Yes, there is a trombone (could be baritone) solo in there.

Basically, ignore the percussion parts -- especially the fills. I just threw something in there; the people who are writing the actual drum parts will write something much better!

Sunday, June 29, 2008


You can listen to the computer's rendition of the closer using the player to the right. (I know, the widget/gadget doesn't fit, but if you resize it, it still doesn't look right. If you know of one that will work better, post a comment and I'll check it out.)

Keep checking here for show updates. The opener should be ready in a few days; the rest will follow soon!

Some things to note:
- Yes, the beginning of the closer is all woodwinds (and tubas), including solos for flute, clarinet, and soprano sax (yes, I did say SOPRANO sax).
- Yes, the trumpets and mellos will need straight mutes. I have a few ideas on how you can carry them, and I'm interested to hear your ideas as well.
- MOST of the stuff that sounds like it's in three is written in 6/4; this should help us stay in step. Some of the 3/4 is actually written in 4/4, which would make it a hemiola.

Leave your comments or ideas by clicking on the "comments" link below!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sunday, May 4, 2008


We raised over $400 for the American Red Cross. Not bad for a rainy day! In case you missed it, here's the local news coverage of the event:

Click here if the video will not play in Blogger.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


We found this awesome street band while visiting Gatlinburg!

[Click here if you can't view the video in Blogger.]

(Sorry for the poor quality video -- it's from a cell phone.)
I wish you could see the guitar player's teeth! :D

If you have pictures or videos you'd like to share, email them and I'll post 'em right here on the blog!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

What did you do for Christmas?

(or Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, or Winter Solstice, or whatever else you may have celebrated)

Use the "comments" link below to tell us what you did, where you went, etc.