Sunday, June 29, 2008


You can listen to the computer's rendition of the closer using the player to the right. (I know, the widget/gadget doesn't fit, but if you resize it, it still doesn't look right. If you know of one that will work better, post a comment and I'll check it out.)

Keep checking here for show updates. The opener should be ready in a few days; the rest will follow soon!

Some things to note:
- Yes, the beginning of the closer is all woodwinds (and tubas), including solos for flute, clarinet, and soprano sax (yes, I did say SOPRANO sax).
- Yes, the trumpets and mellos will need straight mutes. I have a few ideas on how you can carry them, and I'm interested to hear your ideas as well.
- MOST of the stuff that sounds like it's in three is written in 6/4; this should help us stay in step. Some of the 3/4 is actually written in 4/4, which would make it a hemiola.

Leave your comments or ideas by clicking on the "comments" link below!


Cody Deese said...

I love it Mr. Carter! Mello solo maybe :S

Anonymous said...

SOPRANO SOLO FROM THE PODIUM! i can see it now :]

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

Something tells me you're going to have to fight Landan and/or Jake for it ... good luck!

tuba_chris said...

how about a tuba solo.... :) or i can just take the trombone/baritone solo? ;)