Friday, December 14, 2007


In case you missed the email, here's the results for Penny Wars 2007:
- 1st place: 7th period (DRUMLINE!) with 21 points
- 2nd place: ADVISEMENT with -1110 points
- 3rd place: 2nd period (Symphonic brass) with -1266 points
- 4th place: 6th period (Wind Ensemble) with -1397 points
- 5th place: 1st period (Symphonic woodwinds) with -2515 points

5th period also receives an honorable mention with $121.15 in PENNIES. Yes, there is a prize for honorable mention, so come hungry on Monday!

In all, we raised over $443!

When I got home, Mrs. Carter told me that according to the news, Toys for Tots was delivering their toys TOMORROW! So we decided to go ahead and buy the toys tonight. We went to Wal-Mart (where we ran into Austin W.) and picked up SIX bikes and two remote-control Hummers.

Here we are getting ready to check out with six bicycles!

Then we had to get them into our SUV! We had four bikes in the back, the remote-control cars on the seat next to Jacob, and two more bikes on the roof:

(sorry about the poor picture quality - it's a phone picture at night)

You should have seen the looks we got as we rolled through Wal-Mart! Thanks to everyone for being great sports and having fun with this. Start saving now for Penny Wars II, coming in 2008!


Redhead Runner said...

Hi Mr. Carter....I really wish we could have gotten a picture of you RIDING one of those bikes! Or maybe you and Mrs. Carter racing down the aisle on them...maybe next year.

Li'l Widget said...

Wind ensemble definitely should have one... didn't everyone see Broni's purse full of pennies?

Li'l Widget said...

Everybody did a great job, but I think wind ensemble should have won (Broni's penny purse). Just wait 'til next year!

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

Those who don't know which WON to use can't WIN!

Yam Dankee said...

Nah she used the right one... Annemarie actually wants a bike to ride during class!

Li'l Widget said...

Ha ha ha, you're so funny. I DO know which one to use, or would it be won? Whatever! I actually would ride a bike around, and up and down the halls between classes! Can it have a horn... and a bell... and those little streamer things sticking out of the handles?

Redhead Runner said...

I don't know which won of your students really one the competition, but me and Jacob think that it's critical for all of us to speak English good!

Li'l Widget said...

It sure is! Hooked on foniks dun good for me!